Terms & Conditions

Definition of our terminology as used within this document:

A ‘Client’ is a person, persons, business or organisation using any of the services provided by SmartMedia.Services supported Smart Media & Web Solutions Ltd

‘Site Optimization’ is the work SmartMedia.Services have set out to achieve as detailed on the SEO Packages page of the website.

‘Site’ or ‘Website’ is the website as seen on the Internet and owned by the client.

‘Search Engine’ will include Google, Yandex, Bing.

‘Rank’ is the position of the client’s website on the search engine.

‘SEO’ (search engine optimization) is the process of increasing the rank of a client’s website on the search engine.

‘Off Page SEO’ is the attempted optimization of the client’s website using methods which do not require the editing of a client’s website.

‘Monthly Service’ is our standard payment plan and we will take a payment each month whilst the client is signed up to our SEO service.

Terms & Conditions:

1.  The contract between SmartMedia.Services and the Client will be on these conditions, to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions. Any variations to these conditions shall have no effect unless agreed in a written contract signed by both parties within the previous 12 month period.

2.  All signed agreements shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the agreement date after which these conditions shall take effect.

3.  The works to be carried out shall be as set out in the SEO Packages page of the website or according to the proposal document supplied to the Client.

4.  SmartMedia.Services will commence work within 5 working days of receipt of the initial payment, usually sooner than 5 days.

5.  SmartMedia.Services will take a monthly, non-refundable, subscription payments via invoice by bank transfer . 

6.  The Client can stop work by giving a minimum of 30 days written notice (for contracts up to £1000 per month) or 90 days written notice (for contracts over £1000 per month) which will begin at the end of the current monthly period. If the notice period runs into the subsequent months work the Client will be liable to make payment for the subsequent month in full, payments will not be pro-rated.*

7.  If SmartMedia.Services do not receive payment we will stop working on your site optimization until payment is received, however, payments owed will still be required.

8.  All payments to SmartMedia.Services with regard to the SEO service are non refundable.

9.  SmartMedia.Services may need to edit your site in order to carry out site optimization work, or provide you with instructions on changes to be made.

10. SmartMedia.Services will attempt to increase the rank of your website on the search engines. There is however no guarantee that we can do this. Your monthly payment is in respect of work carried out.

11.To the extent that Client requires Additional Services, SmartMedia.Services shall endeavour to provide them and if it is able to do so will make them available at SmartMedia.Services’s then current standard charging rates, currently set at £200 per hour exclusive of VAT.  This rate is payable with regards to any time spent on additional tasks and is charged on a per person basis.

12. SmartMedia.Services can not be held financially liable in anyway with regard to your website ranking on the search engines. Smart Media & Web Solutions Ltd shall have no liability for any losses or damages which may be suffered by Client (or any person claiming under or through Client), whether the same are suffered directly or indirectly or are immediate or consequential, and whether the same arise in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise howsoever, which fall within any of the following categories:

  • loss of profits;
  • loss of anticipated savings
  • loss of business opportunity
  • loss of or goodwill
  • loss of or damage to data

13. SmartMedia.Services cannot be held responsible for anything adversely affecting the Client’s business operation, sales, or profitability that might be claimed is a result of a service offered by SmartMedia.Services. The terms and conditions of this website are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Jurisdiction for any claims arising in respect of this website’s Content shall lie exclusively with the courts of England. If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

Non – Payment

In the event of Client failing to make any payment by the due date, Smart Media & Web Services Ltd will be entitled to take any or all of the following actions in any order it sees fit:-

  • require immediate payment of all monthly fees due during the remainder of the Initial Period;
  • add interest to the debt at 3% per annum above the base rate of HSBC Bank plc both before and after judgment, such interest to be calculated on a daily basis;
  • issue written demands for the sum due, each such demand attracting a fee of £15 payable by Client;
  • suspend all the Services until payment has been made in full;
  • require removal of all changes made to the Client website which were made with direct reference to work and reports provided by SmartMedia.Services, the Client understands such implementations are the intellectual property of SmartMedia.Services and must be paid for in full or removed.
  • add fee’s charged by our collections team charged at £500+VAT or 20% of the debt owed (greater of).

*Inclusive of VAT